"Healing For a Broken World, One Life at a Time"
Mark 16


Mark 16:15-18

"Go into all the world. Go everywhere and announce the Message of God's good news to one and all. Whoever believes and is baptized is saved; whoever refuses to believe is damned. There are some of the signs that will accompany believers; they will throw out demons in My Name, they will speak in new tongues, they will take snakes in their hands, they will drink poison and not be hurt, they will lay hands on the sick and make them well".

Dear friends and supporters of Love Gifts Ministries International,

As I look back on the past I am filled with rejoicing for all the good things that the Lord has done! He is ever faithful to us! His gifts of love in us, through us and for us are always increasing and manifesting His glory as we go about, doing good and healing all who are oppressed by the devil. This has been time of greater signs, wonders and miracle working power in us and through us to this hurting world. Truly, as the prophets declared, we are impacting this world for His Kingdom! 

 I want to give you a recap of the most significant ways God allowed us to channel gifts and teachings to the nations;

 Africa The work ignited there in November 2004 with our first physical visit, has continued with reports of revival, good political changes and increased LOVE for one another, from nation to nation. Africans are awakening to God's call for His requirement of love for each other. As effective prayers are daily offered, we are seeing great changes spiritually that are affecting the politics, political leaders, monetary markets and opening the way for Africans to be self-sufficient, requiring no aid or support from any outside agency. What God has decreed shall surely come to pass in its entirety! We continue to supply bibles and teachings to thousands of pastors who are seeing great changes through the increase of knowledge of God's Kingdom.

 India  So much famine, natural disaster, crime and poverty that it seems overwhelming to effect changes in this great nation. YET GOD is moving mightily here and testimonies continue of miracle supply, increases, healings and even the dead being raised. All it takes is simple trust in the good news of the scriptures. These people in desperate situations have cried out to God for His power demonstrated through the workings of their faith. And they are seeing the results in powerful ways!

We were able to give money that purchased lumber to help rebuild a church in southern India that was destroyed by a tsunami. We bought two bicycles for pastors to aid them in their ministry journeys. We purchased an outdoor amplifier system for an evangelist. We supplied food for hundreds of orphans.

 The opportunities are ever increasing as needs multiply but through the teachings that accompany the gifts, the ministers there are growing in faith and signs are following them.

 Nepal  Through the work of our local contact there, we are seeing hundreds of young people accepting the Lord through street ministry. A bible school that we support is seeing every need met, month by month, as it trains young men for the ministry. We are giving excellent teaching materials, study guides etc. to build the library there. We have seen government laws set aside for the increase of God's Kingdom business. We are seeing demonstrations of His power that so mightily works in and through us, to transform lives!

 Pakistan  This war torn country is seeing revival amidst persecution of the Christians. We are thrilled for the open doors God has provided for us to minister here in sending assistance and teachings to these pastors and Christian workers. Great crusades are being held here and we pray that God will continue to open doors for this mighty harvest field. We were able to send assistance to help the Disciples of Christ there, victims of the tragic earthquake. Providing heaters, shelters, blankets and warm clothing.

 Philippines  Love Gifts Ministries Philippines continues to grow as our outreach teams reach further and deeper into the mountainous country of Mindanao, primarily Moslem controlled. Our Bible school there has encountered the losses of many students whose dire financial straits have required them to leave school and get jobs in the cities. Several girls have moved to Japan, to work in the mansions of the rich there, as servants. We know God is moving here and as we continue to help them know and understand the limitless riches of God's Kingdom, we'll see more and more looking to God's provision alone. Traditions are hard to break! Thank you for your prayers for the many pastors and students here! Our ministry was able to send money for churches there to buy food supplies to invite entire villages to a Christmas feast! What a testimony to be able to satisfy the belly as well as the spirit!

 Kazakhstan, Estonia, Canada, France, England and Iraq all countries we invest heavily into with the true riches of God's Kingdom. There are precious men and women who are forsaking their worldly goods to pioneer in new fields for the harvest. Many are seeking to understand God's divine assignments for them as they have obeyed His call. Please pray for them especially in this time of discerning and hearing.

 United States  Our work here continues in its 34th year, with the daily assignments of God's plan. We have hundreds who receive the Love Gifts Teaching letters and give personal ministry to our web-congregation through emails responding to their prayer requests. Our home continues in daily bible study and prayer as well as a table full of young people eagerly seeking to learn more. There is such a mighty Spirit-inspired hunger in our young people! They are breaking out of the molds of the past. Breaking down the walls of traditional ministry. Learning who they are in Christ and Who He is in them is life changing revelation. We continue to provide amplified bibles, study guides and teaching manuals to anyone who has need. Our evening meals are gifts of hospitality as we minister love, acceptance and life to the ones God brings to our door.  We pray for the sick and see them recover. We heal their broken hearts, we set them free from bondages of their past. We give demonstration of the power of God that is effectively working in and through us to help people live better lives. Winston, Whitney and Katie have been well-trained to minister side-by-side with me and do an excellent ministry in following the Holy Spirit.

 90% of all financial gifts that are given to this ministry are given back to the people that God has called us to minister to. The remaining 10% helps to pay for the high cost of doing business! (Internet costs, postage, etc)  I receive no support from the ministry but thank God for those who designate gifts for our personal living expenses! I praise God daily that He allows me to live by the gospel I work for! We are expecting to grow by leaps and bounds so fast your head will spin in awe" saith the Lord. We believe for a bigger residence and ministry offices to better serve the growth. Thank you for your prayers for me, my children, the people we minister to and the needs of Love Gifts Ministries International. We appreciate you so very, very much! Thank you for your prayers, love, friendship and faithfulness to do whatever God asks you to do.

 In His Great Love,

 Carole Davenport


Love Gifts Ministries International


Prophetic Words

 This was a word that God gave me that profoundly affected the course and direction of LGM Missions. 

 "Carole, God has groomed you for many, many years for dangerous trails to the nations. Nations of all sizes are calling to God for His ambassador. You are called out to fill this position in particular to the nations. For God is sending you to help nations in times of great trouble, to give them answers, to supply wisdom, to bring solutions and to bring complete and total changes. God will use you to cause nations to come out from impossible situations."

 Our vision in missions is not just for the individual person, but for entire economic, social, and political restoration. We believe that when Jesus said to disciple nations, that we are to disciple nations. God has wisdom and answers for all of the world's problems and we are committed to hearing those answers and then being that answer to the nations.