"Healing For a Broken World, One Life at a Time"


Real People
Real Trouble
Real Answers

II Corinthians 1:3-5
“All praise to the God and Father of our Master, Jesus the Christ! Father of all mercy, God of all healing counsel! He comes alongside us when we go through hard times, and before you know it, He brings us alongside someone else who is going through hard times so that we can be there for that person just as God was there for us. We have plenty of hard times that come from following Jesus, but no more so than the good times of His healing comfort – we get full measure of that as well!”

Please read and be encouraged by reading some of the following testimonies from AROUND THE WORLD, by real people like you, with real problems, who've experienced real victories in following our ministry teachings and prayers.

I just finished reading your teaching "A Proclamation of Liberty" WOW!!!
The Lord has been pruning, cleaning and adjusting me and my entire congregation for months. Just this past week His focus (for me) was 'forgiveness'. How excellent His wisdom, and revelations He shares with us. I thoroughly enjoyed and gleaned from your message. Thank You!
K.K. (USA)

 "Dear Pastor at Love Gifts Ministries International,
... my congregation has grown in the knowledge and grace of our Lord Jesus Christ through the teachings I have shared with them from your website. You have been trusted by God with such wisdom and insight which shows us your heart is pure. Please continue to teach us. You have impacted the nation of the Congo greatly, especially here in the economic capitol of Pointe Noire. ... My congregation and I pray for you and your family, that you will continue in the ways of the Lord and help bless the world through your teachings.
In Christ's Name,
Pastor Kapinka (Africa)"  

"Dear Sister Carole,
Greetings in Jesus Name. Thank you very much for your encouraging words that you send me. I count you that you are my best friend who understand what I need for you to help me. I did not ask you anything that I need, but what you give me what is yours, like Peter and John, to the lame man. You do not hear the voice of man but you hear the voice of God in your heart. Thank you for your teachings. I pray for your coming, in our country.
Yours in Christ,
Pastor Agyam (Philippines)"

"Carole, thank you so much for your prayer and for your words of encouragement. It is so hard to see those you love suffering. I extend a heart full of love to you, and thank you so much for making the love of God so accessible to those who need it.
God bless you! Eva (USA)" 

"I accepted Jesus into my life today. I was looking for gifts for my girlfriend. I have a feeling that she is getting ready to dump me and I started reading this thing you guys wrote and it made me feel a lot better. Thanks and if you have any advice or anything related to Jesus or anything I would be glad to hear it. Thanks again. Adrian (Austria)"

"I stumbled on your website purely by accident - I'm so glad I did - you've discussed about unforgiveness - something I think that God wants me to learn about. Who knows, that may be how I ended up here. I'm so glad I found you. Thank you for your wisdom.
JA (Singapore)"

“After experiencing some conflict in our new (year and a half old) church, I did a search for materials concerning strife and division in the church, and discovered your newsletter which is just awesome! As I perused your site after reading the strife newsletter, I sensed a powerful anointing on the work that the Lord has given you to do. I wanted to ask your permission to share these teachings with my co-pastor and congregation. I think it will help us to understand who our real enemy is and help us set a foundation for healing. Thank you and may God bless you and your ministry. Pastor W.P. (USA)”

“Carole, I thank God for you and so look forward to all that you write me. I know they are words spoken not of you but of Him. I highlight and read and re-read them each day! You don’t know how much of this feeds my spirit. Even when my mind can’t sort out the words to pray and I cry, I can at least read these words you’ve sent and apply them to my prayers to God. I thank you that I can call on you in the natural. Even though I call on God, in my humanness I need to hear from another human being. There will be an ocean in heaven just with my tears. Life is overwhelming and I cry so much that I am afraid to leave the house. In the two years since my husband left us, my life has changed so dramatically and still is changing. I keep trying. I know God will replace the loneliness with His love and joy. God bless you Carole. You truly are a dear person that I admire and respect because He has placed you on a road of compassion for the broken people. You have dedicated yourself to His work, and I commend you for that! I pray He always gives you strength and sound mind, heart and soul to do His ministry.
Lena (Canada)”

“Dear Carole, I praise the Lord for your wonderful ministry and am so appreciative of how the Lord has used it in my life personally. Your message about the broken heart really gripped me. I could so closely identify with this article and believe that many of the people I minister to could also benefit. I plan to run copies off and give to whoever wants a copy. I’ve picked up a spirit of rejection, from my mother when I was born the wrong sex and have struggled with self-esteem ever since. Right now I am going through a hard time. Thank you for your prayers and for your words of encouragement and hope. In His Love, Charlie (USA)” 

“Carole, WOW! Thank you for actually praying for me! I’ve been showing good improvement in the last 10 days! And what I have been doing is quite remarkable for me. Helping to paint the exterior of our house!!!! And I have felt almost unburdened with this problem that usually leaves on my sickbed most days! So Praise God with me. I have seen too many doctors and they ALL missed it – this makes for a too difficult case and no one wants to take me. So I appreciate you lifting my burden to heaven where the ALL POWERFUL who is able to help can help. Thank you very much! Your sister in Christ, Sharon (Minnesota, USA) Thanks for letting me know that I am not alone!! It is so comforting!!!”

“Carole, Thank you so much for some powerful and certain faith that clearly comes through your text. You have made me feel close to your group in spirit and very much part of the body of Christ. I feel ‘surrounded’ and protected from the enemy with your words and knowing you have prayed.  I will also pray for your church and its continuation of its filling with the Holy Spirit of unconditional love. With love in Christ Love, Colin (Italy)”  

“Hi Carole. I read your newsletter and it impacted me greatly. I was moved to tears when you described your vision of the Lord’s return where some people were rejoicing and some were mourning because they knew they were not saved. I found myself questioning my own faith. Do I really trust God to meet all my needs? Can I ever really get over ____? … The list goes on and on. One thing I do know is that if we will all be in that vision, we had better make sure of our place in eternity and how we can be used for His purposes NOW. Thank you so much for the insight! Thank you so much for your prayers. In Christ’s Name, Kevin (California, USA)”

“Dear Carole, We both are feeling down and need a shoulder to lean on and to give us strength. Please pray for us and if there’s anything you feel to tell us, please do. God bless you for your prayers and support during these trying times and we truly appreciate all that you do for God, to us. You are truly a guardian angel. May God continue to bless you for all your good work that you are doing for Him. Love, Diane (Johannesburg, So. Africa)”

“Carole, Please put our testimony on your website! I wish everyone could hear what God has done for us! I pray that everyone will know the joy of the miracle we have experienced at least once in their lives!!  I found your piece on ‘forgiveness’. I cannot tell you what it has meant to me. It was my answer. It was almost as if we were talking over coffee at the kitchen table! I passed the message along to my husband and his family. I’m not saying it is easy. It is by far the most difficult thing I have tried to do. Thank you for your prayers and helpful words. I also enjoyed “Look Well After Your Own Household”.  May God bless you and keep you. I will remember you in my prayers and never forget the miracle of God’s messages through you. Thank you so much! Sue (Indiana, USA)”

"Dear Carole,
Your words really touch me and I read them over and over. Each time I read them, I am affected in a different way, as if they are touching a different part of me. It's a very strange feeling. I am reading my bible and praying too. But I praise the Lord for you and for the words that help me understand things more clearly. I even pass them on to my family who also enjoy reading this material. I've been drawn so close to you Carole, even though we have never met ~ it's as if you have known us all our lives. God bless you!"
Diane (Ivory Coast, Africa)

"Dear Carole, A few weeks ago you were on a plane from Minneapolis to Dallas and just 'happened' to sit next to my sister-in-law. As you may remember, she is suffering from Melanoma Cancer. I have been praying for Mary for many years, that God would send someone along her path that she would respect and listen to about God, that she might get saved before she dies. I know you are the answer to that prayer! When I picked her up at the airport, she told me about you and the impression you had made on her. She was very touched with your gift of the CD to her. I told her it was no accident that the two of you had sat together and she agreed. You made quite an impact on her and she really appreciated your prayer. I asked her if she cared if I wrote to you so she gave me your address. Thanks for being there that day for Mary. I would like to hear from you if you could. Sincerely,"
Elizabeth (Georgia, USA)

Thank you so much for the e-mail! The perfect timing of the Holy Spirit humbles me. The date of your letter indicated God prompted you to pray at the precise time that I needed it, praise God! Thank you so much for your faithfulness in holding us up before the throne. Without going into all the details I'll say that I just do not want to make a mistake, know what I mean? Take care and God bless you Carole!"
Cody (Montana, USA)

"Dear Carole,
There are many new things happening in my life, some good, some trials, but I am a much different person these days and my acceptance level is finally at a place that allows more peace in my life. I have shared your letter on forgiving with many people that are struggling with a spirit of despair from hurts in their lives. It has changed my life. I feel like I live in a whole new realm, the concept of forgiving at the level Jesus forgave us demands a change in the way I look at everything. I have been able to learn and grow anew because of that truth. THANK YOU! Love you!"
Marcy (Oregon, USA)

"Dear Carole,
Thank you so much for your concern for us, Thank you for the teaching you just sent. I receive everything you say. It helps to sustain me through this terrible time. Sometimes I am tempted to question God and give up, but I remember what you have said and I keep holding on. I try to be thankful for the healing that has already taken place in my daughter to not to concentrate on the present disturbances. They are so awfully real and I have to manage with them. I can only keep on having faith that someday God will restore her to health. Thank you so much for your testimony. I knew have struggled but I never imagined how difficult it has been for you. I trust what you tell me because I know it is true, but I have needed someone to hold my hand, so to speak. You have been a great blessing to me. I hope I too will be able to help others. Thank you so much for sharing your experiences and the deep things of your heart. Much love and God's blessings,"
Lynette (United Kingdom)

"Thanks for being my friend! I just wanted to say how much I appreciate all the wonderful words of encouragement and love you send to me! I really hope we get to meet someday! God has used you in my life in so many ways!"
Layne (USA)

"Thanks Carole! Thank you for being there when I was hurting! Thank you for your love and prayers when I badly needed a voice to pray with me. Have a wonderful holiday and thank you so much again! God bless!"
Goh Yi-Lynn (Asia)

"Dear Carole,
I am a prison inmate of ____. A friend shared a few of your newsletters with me. Those letters really blessed me! I'm writing to you to thank you for being faithful to the calling that God has put on your life. By your faithfulness, you have had an affect on my life! Your message on forgiveness hit home in a big way! Thank God! We must obey Him in every area. We cannot hold onto pain and expect the flow to not be impeded. It will in turn, touch someone else's life. Praise God! I pray that God will richly bless you and prosper you as you are a blessing to others. May God continue to use you mightily in reaching and in ministering to people. Because of Him,"
F.J.L. (USA)

"My Beloved sister Carole in Christ,
I thank the Lord for His grace and love for each time that I receive your valuable messages which I am learning it and following it. It has been immensely useful for my life which gives lot of courage and determination for me to strengthen myself in the Lord. It has a great blessing for having a friend like you in our lives which really gives so much strength and affection when we receive your mails. You are really blessed to have such a wonderful talent by giving the people encouraging messages in the Lord which uplifts the spirit. I thank the Lord for you and your ministry that he has given you. Thanking you.
In the Lord's service,”
Pastor Stephen raj ( India )

"Dear Mum Carole,
Greetings from your family and church in the Philippines ! I cannot stop the tears as I read your letter to us. I know that God has spoken to us through you. I am very encouraged to know this. Our people here pray for you daily. We thank God for your work here and pray for Him to make a way for you to come so we can receive more from Him. We love you and bless God for you.”
Pastor Joel ( Philippines )

“Beloved pastor Carole.
Greetings from the holy faith ministries. Thank God firstly. In God we trust. Thank you for your kind e- mail. I have received just. We will pray for your family and your ministries people. Let you know, always I have been depending our loving God. Some time happen burdens in my family. But I did not want to see human beings. As the eyes of a maid look to the hand of her mistress, so our eyes look to the Lord our God, till he shows us His mercy. I have hope our gospel work reached in unreached area. That is the main aim. For the Gospel Work purpose our ministries and me sacrifice. If we live, we live for the Lord, and If we die, we die for the Lord. So whether we live or die. We belong to the Lord. Brother my ambition to “Go ye into all the world and preach the Gospel to every creature. Always our church people and Orphan children’s are praying for you and for your family your ministry on regular basis. Yours in His service, Beloved brother”
Pastor K. Nagabhushanam ( India )

"Dear Pastor Carole,
We thank God for your Heart to Heart teachings to us. They strength our spirit each week. Our work is made strong our faith grows. We pray for you and your ministry every day. Thank you for your compassion to our work here. We look of the heart to heart to come from God through you. This year we are aiming at reaching at least 50 Village Churches. We continue our prayers for your association with eye openers and for your possible visit to our midst.
Warm regards”

Dr Kumar and Team ( India )

"Dear Carole,
Thank you so much for your concern for us, Thank you for the teaching you just sent. I receive everything you say. It helps to sustain me through this terrible time. Sometimes I am tempted to question God and give up, but I remember what you have said and I keep holding on. I try to be thankful for the healing that has already taken place in my daughter to not to concentrate on the present disturbances. They are so awfully real and I have to manage with them. I can only keep on having faith that someday God will restore her to health. Thank you so much for your testimony. I knew have struggled but I never imagined how difficult it has been for you. I trust what you tell me because I know it is true, but I have needed someone to hold my hand, so to speak. You have been a great blessing to me. I hope I too will be able to help others. Thank you so much for sharing your experiences and the deep things of your heart. Much love and God's blessings,"
Lynette ( United Kingdom )

"Thanks for being my friend! I just wanted to say how much I appreciate all the wonderful words of encouragement and love you send to me! I really hope we get to meet someday! God has used you in my life in so many ways!"
Layne ( USA )

"Thanks Carole! Thank you for being there when I was hurting! Thank you for your love and prayers when I badly needed a voice to pray with me. Have a wonderful holiday and thank you so much again! God bless!"
Goh Yi-Lynn ( Asia )

"Dear Carole,
I am a prison inmate of ____. A friend shared a few of your newsletters with me. Those letters really blessed me! I'm writing to you to thank you for being faithful to the calling that God has put on your life. By your faithfulness, you have had an affect on my life! Your message on forgiveness hit home in a big way! Thank God! We must obey Him in every area. We cannot hold onto pain and expect the flow to not be impeded. It will in turn, touch someone else's life. Praise God! I pray that God will richly bless you and prosper you as you are a blessing to others. May God continue to use you mightily in reaching and in ministering to people. Because of Him,"
F.J.L. ( USA )

In 1998 I was permanently injured in a head on collision which caused chronic pain in the neck, shoulder and back. This injury left me incapacitated me for over five years and surviving only on pain medication. A friend of mine (Ade Bart) was at a meeting in Tulsa and when opportunity came for healing, she went forward on my behalf.  She received the healing knew by the Spirit of God that I was healed. She called me and told me to use my faith to believe that I was healed.
A few weeks later, I was still struggling with my severe pain, feeling worn out and had lost my hope. Everything in my life was bad and looked to get worse. I called Ade for prayer and she made a conference call to Carole of Love Gifts Ministries prayer line.  The Lord revealed to Carole where I was missing Him and she broke the deception off of my heart. She prayed for me and counseled me.  Something was immediately broken in my life and I wept for hours, repenting to the Lord for my anger toward Him.  The next night I was having trouble sleeping because of the severe pain. When I turned over in bed, about 3:30 am when I heard a cracking and popping in my left shoulder. The bone popped out and then back into shoulder socket and from that moment on was totally set free from the pain and the inflammation was totally gone!  I got up and was able to do more in four hours than I had been able to do in the past five years! I just couldn’t stop praising God! My whole family knows that God has done a great miracle in my life and things are getting so much better!

Thanks be to God I am now living freely without pain and was delivered from
the use of all pain medication. I give Him all of the glory.Sandy USA )

I met a woman online in  a Homeschool chat room. I shared with her about the pain and sadness in my heart, she referred my to Love Gifts Ministries. When I contacted Carole via email, she would write back to me such moving words that I would cry as I read and they would go down deep into my heart and soul. Over a seven year period layer by layer (like peeling back onion skin layers) I would get healed. In March I met her for the first time in a conference in Tulsa OK . This is when I received complete and total healing for my heart. And I am now helping to reach the world with this message one person at a time.
Ade ( USA )